Pavoni's First Harvest Organic Truffle infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Pavoni's Olive Oil Company is pleased to offer our newest and current seasonal selection of the most exotic and premium truffle-infused olive oil available.
At Pavoni's, we celebrate God, family, and wealth. For those blessed beyond that of most, our Truffle oil is a perk worth its indulgence. The one reality better than knowing you have what it takes to acquire this luxury, is knowing its bouquet as the aroma overwhelms you, discerning its uniqueness among all tastes, and having your senses absent all subjugation as the supple Borolo prepares your mouth for the next bite...

Pavoni's seasonal truffle infused oils are made to order and vary as to type, ingredients, and availability. The number and variety of our truffle oils are volatile. Visit this section frequently to view the current and updated product options.
$ 2,799.95
Pavoni's most prestigious and elaborate of all oils. For the Olive Oil connoisseur whose lifestyle outreaches the ordinary. The finest imported Northern Italian truffle infused with the world's most select year's olive oil. With great care, articulation, and reflection, Pavoni's Olive Oil Company hosts the privilege of providing this distinctive and remarkable product to our patrons. This extraordinary oil rests firmly outside the grasp of most, but for those that are fortunate enough to introduce it to their palate, it's unequivocally priceless. As a note, this selection is harvested and bottled for the man or woman not owned by the time clock, but rather for those who own it. Salute!!